Greetings all,
I’ve just hacked together a little gradle task to modify the standard jacoco coverage output to make it a bit more Kotlin friendly.
The default output navigates by class which isn’t very friendly as Kotlin generates numerous anonymous and function classes.
This hack provides a file-based view instead by merging the jacoco source index files into a combined index.
Anyway, I thought it might be useful to others.
To use, add the following to your gradle project:
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
task coverage(dependsOn: 'jacocoTestReport') << {
def reports = new File(project.buildDir, '/reports/jacoco/test/html')
def index = new File(reports, 'index.html').getText('UTF-8')
def footer = '<div class="footer">'
def result = new StringBuilder(index.substring(0, index.indexOf(footer)))
reports.eachDirMatch({ !new File(it).name.startsWith(".") }) { dir ->
def moduleIndex = new File(dir, 'index.source.html')
def content = moduleIndex.getText('UTF-8')
.replaceAll('\\.\\./\\.resources', '.resources')
.replaceAll('href="', "href=\"${}/")
result.append(content.substring(content.indexOf('<h1>'), content.indexOf(footer)))
def output = new File(reports, 'index.source.html')
output << result.toString()
println("open $output.path")
This will generate a combined index for your module. e.g.
You can then directly navigate to the Kotlin source: