Guessing generic class type from parameters

Why all of those final classes needs explicitly specified generic parameter when inheriting from generic class when this type can be guessed from constructor. BaseGenericActivity<This parameter>. There is another problem that if factory method which is sent as parameter has overload, thing get much more messy.

//This is my generic class which needs factory method as input
abstract class BaseGenericActivity<TViewBinding: ViewBinding>(private val viewBindingFactory: ((LayoutInflater) -> TViewBinding)?) {


//This works
class FirstFinalClassWithExplicitType: BaseGenericActivity<ActivityMenuBinding>(ActivityMenuBinding::inflate)

//This has two errors:
//1. One type argument expected for class BaseGenericActivity<TViewBinding : ViewBinding>
//2.Overload resolution ambiguity. All these functions match.
//public open fun inflate(inflater: LayoutInflater): ActivityMenuBinding defined in com.xbionicsphere.x_card.databinding.ActivityMenuBinding
//public open fun inflate(inflater: LayoutInflater, parent: ViewGroup?, attachToParent: Boolean): ActivityMenuBinding defined in com.xbionicsphere.x_card.databinding.ActivityMenuBinding
class SecondFinalClassWithExplicitType: BaseGenericActivity(ActivityMenuBinding::inflate)

//This has one error:
//1. One type argument expected for class BaseGenericActivity<TViewBinding : ViewBinding>
class ThirdFinalClassWithExplicitType: BaseGenericActivity(::ExampleFactoryMethodWithoutOverload)

//This has one error:
//1. One type argument expected for class BaseGenericActivity<TViewBinding : ViewBinding>
class FourthFinalClassWithExplicitType: BaseGenericActivity<ActivityMenuBinding>(::ExampleFactoryMethodWithoutOverload)

private fun ExampleFactoryMethodWithoutOverload(inflater: LayoutInflater): ActivityMenuBinding {
    return null!!