Yo, we need mixin guys. Or something like that.
I need to make a base class, but I don’t want to make it hard for delegation to the next developer. I want the BaseClass to explain whatever layers it has. Every layer should be explicit and mind its own business. Layers cannot contain extra APIs or shared methods.
I want to make it clear how Layer and Feature behave. I tried:
interface ActivityLoggerLayer
open class ActivityLoggerLayerDelegate : AppCompatActivity(), ActivityLoggerLayer {
private var created: Long = 0L
private var started: Long = 0L
private var stopped: Long = 0L
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
Log.d("ahsdvbjhadsbha ActivityLoggerLayer", "onCreate: Layer applied on ${this::class.java.simpleName}")
created = System.currentTimeMillis()
override fun onStart() {
started = System.currentTimeMillis()
override fun onStop() {
stopped = System.currentTimeMillis()
interface ActivityDummyLayer
open class ActivityDummyLayerDelegate : AppCompatActivity(), ActivityDummyLayer {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
Log.d("ahsdvbjhadsbha ActivityDummyLayer", "onCreate: Layer applied on ${this::class.java.simpleName}")
// Base activity with layers
open class BaseActivity : AppCompatActivity(),
ActivityLoggerLayer by ActivityLoggerLayerDelegate(),
ActivityDummyLayer by ActivityDummyLayerDelegate() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// i expect the code call this on each layer automatically
// this.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
// this.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
class MainActivity : BaseActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
I expect the code to execute onCreate
from every layer when onCreate
from the implementer is executed. I know delegation is not working like that, and I know there is some other way.
But the point is, I want to make the layers clear while working with an abstract or open class. I don’t want a BaseClass that is unclear about whatever composition it has. Or make the compositions have a chance to tangle together by not making it explicit.
For example by doing it like this inside the base class:
private val layer1: LayerOne = ....
private val layer2: LayerTwo = ...
Then handling the layer logic on the base class…
I don’t want it, i want to give the next developer a clear limitation (Layer should mind its own bussiness and should not tangled together) and eliminate possibility to make the logic tangled together…
I also want to make it clear for the next developer of what layer they are dealing with while using this base class. I want to make it clear by only looking at One Class. I don’t want to hide anything nor make it somehow invisible (Hidden Control / Logic).
Is there some approach to achieve this?
Also, don’t tell me about Layer2: Layer3(), then Layer1: Layer2() then BaseClass: Layer1()… no, I already mentioned above, no hidden logic or control or hidden composition.
Also, the code not allowing me to cal this@Layer1.onCreate(…).
This Case is specially targeting Open Class and Abstract Class cases. I know we can do it by using interface. But some SDK don’t have that feature, like what android sdk doing with Activity and Fragment class.