I’m trying to figure out how annotations with “AnnotationRetention.BINARY” retention are represented in bytecode.
Annotations with “AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME” retention are explicitly added to bytecode.
Annotations with “AnnotationRetention.BINARY” retention policy are not explicitly added to bytecode. However, it seems like some tools can read them from bytecode.
E. g., “androidx.annotation.RequiresApi” annotation has “AnnotationRetention.BINARY” retention. It is not seen in bytecode. However, it seems that tools like Facebook’s RedEx can somehow read “RequiresApi” annotation.
UPD: Here is an example of the class:
class Test {
companion object {
val testProp : Int = 0
val testProp22 : Int = 0
is AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME
is AnnotationRetention.BINARY
For “@JvmStatic” I see the following in Android Studio dex byte code viewer:
.method public static synthetic getTestProp$annotations()V
.registers 0
.annotation runtime Lkotlin/jvm/JvmStatic;
.end annotation
.end method
However, there is nothing for @RequiresApi annotation.
I also tried Konloch bytecode-viewer and the result is the same.