Hello. I have the some code:
directoryChooser.title = "Выберите каталог с файлами"
val file = directoryChooser.showDialog(null)
if (file != null) {
var files = Files.list(file.toPath())
.filter { f ->
f.fileName.endsWith("zip") && f.fileName.endsWith("ZIP")
&& (f.fileName.startsWith("1207") || f.fileName.startsWith("4407") || f.fileName.startsWith("1507") || f.fileName.startsWith("9007") || f.fileName.startsWith("1807"))
for (f in files) {
textArea.appendText(f.toString() + "\n")
If i exec “collect(Collectors.toList())” at the end of filter, I get:
Error:(22, 13) Kotlin: [Internal Error] org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.CompilationException: Back-end (JVM) Internal error: no descriptor for type constructor of ('Captured(in ('Path'..'Path?'))'..'CapturedTypeConstructor(in ('Path'..'Path?'))?')
Cause: no descriptor for type constructor of ('Captured(in ('Path'..'Path?'))'..'CapturedTypeConstructor(in ('Path'..'Path?'))?')
File being compiled and position: (22,13) in D:/My/devel/ListOfReestrs/src/Controller.kt
PsiElement: var files = Files.list(file.toPath())
.filter { f ->
f.fileName.endsWith("zip") && f.fileName.endsWith("ZIP")
&& (f.fileName.startsWith("1207") || f.fileName.startsWith("4407") || f.fileName.startsWith("1507") || f.fileName.startsWith("9007") || f.fileName.startsWith("1807"))
The root cause was thrown at: JetTypeMapper.java:430
If i don’t do this, I get the “f” with the type [error: Error] in my for-loop.