In JS, if there is an array in the native layer, I can use it in kotlin as an Array<T>. How can I do a similar thing with maps/objects? If I try something like this:
val m: Map<String, Any> = …
for (k in m.keySet()) { … }
where m is a object in native JS, keySet etc is undefined.
If you really want to get Map you can wrap your object by Map implementation from stdlib, like:
import java.util.HashMap
fun <V> PrimitiveHashMap(container: dynamic): HashMap<String, Any> {
val m = HashMap<String, Any>().asDynamic() = container
val keys = js("Object.keys")
m.`$size` = keys(container).length
return m
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val e = PrimitiveHashMap<Int>(js("({})"))
val m = PrimitiveHashMap<Int>(js("({aaa: 1, bbb: 2})"))
But note, please, it is hack which depends to implementation details and they can be changed in the future.
I created issues(KT-5653, KT-5654) which covered this, feel free to vote or star them for get updates.