How to avoid warning when overriding copy function with data class

interface IPoint {
    val x: Float
    val y: Float
    fun copy(x: Float = this.x, y: Float = this.y) = Point(x, y)

data class Point(
        override var x: Float,
        override var y: Float
) : IPoint

Gives me a warning: Function 'copy' generated for the data class has default values for parameters, and conflicts with member of supertype 'IPoint'

I can suppress the Warning using


But are there any better approaches?

I would suggest to revisit the need to have an interface in the first place. What would be the other implementations of this interface? What copy is supposed to do for those other implementations? Are they going to be returning copy of themselves, or use a default implementation of copy from the interface and return an instance of Point? In the later case it does not seem appropriate to name it copy. The better name would be toPoint. So, to recap, if you really need the interface (e.g. you have multiple impls), then you might consider renaming copy in the interface, otherwise just drop the interface altogether and use data class directly.

The main point of IPoint is to define a read-only interface. Much like with List and MutableList.
So, when a function takes an IPoint the caller can pass in a point and be certain that it won’t be mutated.
Currently, Point is the only concrete implementation of IPoint.
copy is supposed to always return a Point.

I assumed the name toPoint makes it less clear that its creating a mutable copy.
But looking at Collection<T>.toMutableList() and others, to... seems to commonly mean copying in the Kotlin APIs.

You can make your Point class immutable like this: data class Point(val x: Float, val y: Float). No need to have a dedicated interface for immutability.

I know that’s possible, but I often need a mutable Point to avoid object creation. My main usage scenario is game development.

To still buy a bit of type safety I use IPoint where I know no mutation will happen.

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