My goal is to write a Kotlin library, compile it to WebAssembly and call its functions from JS. Since a few hours I try to get a simple hello world to work. The documentation on this topic is either non existent or well hidden.
This is my kotlin file:
public fun hello() {
println("Hello world!")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println("main() function executed!")
When I compile it to WebAssembly, I get a hello.wasm and hello.wasm.js file.
First I tried to use something like this to execute the function:
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch('hello.wasm'), importObject)
.then(obj => obj.instance.exports.hello());
Then I understood that I need to pass the imports from my hello.wasm.js file in the importObject parameter. So I guess that I need to use the hello.wasm.js file to correctly initialize my wasm program.
When I load my wasm like the following, I don’t get any errors and the main() function is executed.
<script wasm="hello.wasm" src="hello.wasm.js"></script>
But how can I execute the hello() function from JavaScript? The only kotlin wasm examples I found are not calling specific functions but rendering something from the main() function.
In the end I want to have multiple functions (with parameters and return value) doing heavier calculations which I can call from my JS code if needed. The result is getting more accurate the longer the calculation runs, so I may want to update the DOM every now and then to update the displayed value. Is this even the right approach? Or would I rather create one wasm per calculation function?
Also any links to relevant documentation are very much appreciated.
UPDATE: I managed to execute the function, but I don’t believe this is the correct way:
<script wasm="hello.wasm" src="hello.wasm.js"></script>
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch('hello.wasm'), konan_dependencies)
.then(obj => obj.instance.exports['kfun:hello$ValueType']());
The problem is, that my wasm file is fetched two times if I do it like that.
Loading only the hello.wasm.js file without the wasm attribute gets me the following error:
Uncaught Error: Could not find the wasm attribute pointing to the WebAssembly binary.
at Object.konan.moduleEntry (stats.wasm.js:433)
at stats.wasm.js:532