How to cast Lambda to Unit

Have such kind of a code:

someData?.run {
// consuming this data
} ?: reportNoData()

fun reportNoData() {
// report no data

Now trying to replace function with lambda, like this

someData?.run {
// consuming this data
} ?: {
// report no data

But it won’t compile, complaining on the last block with:
Type mismatch: inferred type is () → Unit but Unit was expected

Hmm, weird, ok, changing to

someData?.run {
// consuming this data
} ?: {
// report no data

makes it compile and run.
But the syntax is not obvious. Is it possible to write it simpler?

Hmm, imho regarding your third code snippet, the syntax is obvious

Because { } is an object of () → (Unit) type, and you don’t use it in an assignment or expression, but in an invocation, you must invoke the lambda object.

why you just don’t if (someData!=null) {} else {}. Looks more clean.


Thanks for reply!

Because I want get it in Kotlin-style syntax, without manual null compare and branching.
Basically want to find minimum possible code :wink:

Well, less verbose doesn’t always mean more clean or readable.

I stopped using run and apply in my code because modifying the meaning of this turned out to be a bad idea in some cases, because it increases ambiguity.

Example: { x=y } — when i write the code I knew that x is from something and y is from the parent object or the method’s scope… but after a while this code gets confusing and way less readable, resulting in bugs that are not easy to detect during a quick read.

I almost always use something?.let{something → } and if(…)… even if I write more code, it’s more readable.

I also use run, apply, but only when it’s highly needed

Good point. Kotlin gives so many possibilities (except ternary operator), which can lead to unreadable code. Hard to find a balance :slight_smile: That should come with experience.

You most likely wanted to do this:

someData?.run {
	// consuming this data
} ?: run {
	// report no data

but I think that a simple if/else with smart-casting would be better in this case :wink:

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Exactly what I was looking for! :clap: