How to choose method signature?

I bold places where compiler show errors.

class TestName {   Test fun test() {   val all = listOf(javaClass<AnimalFox>(),javaClass<AnimalDog>())   for(tp in all) {            println( // cannot infer type   }   for(tp in all) {            println(Name.name2(tp))   }   } }

abstract class AnimalAbs : Name

class AnimalFox:AnimalAbs()

class AnimalDog:AnimalAbs()

trait Name {
  fun name(): String =

  class object {
  fun name<T : Name>(tp: Class<T>) =
           if (!Modifier.isAbstract(tp.getModifiers())) {
           }else throw Exception(“$tp is abstract”)

  &nbsp;&nbsp;fun name2&lt;T : Name&gt;(tp: Class&lt;out T&gt;) = // getSuperclass not resolved

           if (!Modifier.isAbstract(tp.getModifiers())) {
           }else throw Exception(“$tp is abstract”)

I try to write static method name in trait Name. I have two variatns but both dont compiles.

Error:(14, 26) Kotlin: Type inference failed: Cannot infer type parameter T in fun <T :> name(tp: java.lang.Class<T>): kotlin.String
None of the following substitutions
can be applied to


Error:(39, 58) Kotlin: Unresolved reference: getSuperclass

How to fix method

This is a problem in Kotlin's type inference that we are fixing at the moment. A workaround could be to provide type arguments for name() expilcitly