How to convert DateTime to Date in Kotlin

I have wirtten a base query get some data…

.innerJoin(FoodMaster,{NutritionInTake.foodId},{foodDetails[]} )
.innerJoin(Users,{NutritionInTake.userId},{userDetails[]} )
.slice(,,FoodMaster.foodname, FoodMaster.carbohydrates, FoodMaster.protein, FoodMaster.fat, NutritionInTake.type, NutritionInTake.qty, NutritionInTake.intakedate)
.select(){( (NutritionInTake.intakedate ) eq onDate) and ((NutritionInTake.userId) eq userId) }

IntakeDate is a time stamp and OnDate is only date, because of the time, result is not showing properly, Its a web application.

First: it’s better to not to use Java’s default DateTime, there is a topic about it somewhere. LocalDateTime is modern alternative.
Second: suppose, you need truncatedTo
val today: LocalDateTime =