I’m new to Kotlin I’m just trying to copy a database file from the assets folder but I keep getting a filenotfound exception. The code is below thanks. I checked double checked the paths. I have another version in java which has no problem.
private fun copyDataBase() {
val myOutput = FileOutputStream(outFileName)
val myInput = this.assets.open(DATABASE_NAME)
val buffer = ByteArray(1024)
var length: Int = myInput.read(buffer)
while ((length) > 0) {
myOutput.write(buffer, 0, length)
length = myInput.read(buffer)
From this code snippet I can’t say why it doesn’t work.
You could show the value of outFileName.
You could also show the “equivalent” Java code.
You could also show the exact exception message and trace
Javadoc of FileOutputStream constructor: FileNotFoundException - if the file exists but is a directory rather than a regular file, does not exist but cannot be created, or cannot be opened for any other reason
the code is not idiomatic kotlin (nor would it even be clean java code).
I don’t really see anything wrong with this code. So if you make a statement such as this, you should at least back it up. (Ok the this. in this.assets.open is not needed but other than that I don’t see anything wrong)
Cleanup should happen in a finally block. Idiomatic kotlin would use the use method. kotlin also provides copyTo method for streams.
Non idiomatic code is not the cause of the exception. Some possibilities are that a path is wrong, the destination folder isn’t created, or the path is to external storage and that permission hasn’t been granted. Hard to tell without more info like a stack trace.