How to pass class parameter with Generics to function

Hi there,

The following code generate a compiler Error:(6, 41) Kotlin: Type inference failed. Expected type mismatch: inferred type is Class<CmdEcho<*>> but Class<out CmdEcho> was expected

What is a proper way to pass CmdEcho to function call?

package com.cuma.kotlin

class TestG<X> {
    fun test(): CmdEcho<X> {
        val util = CmdUtil<CmdEcho<X>>()

class CmdUtil<Y> {
    fun call(x: Class<out Y>): Y  {
        return x.newInstance()

class CmdEcho<X> {


The code does not compile because does not specify any type parameter for CmdEcho; its type is CmdEcho<*> which does not match CmdEcho<X>. Here’s one possible way to fix this code:

class TestG<X> {
    fun test(): CmdEcho<X> {
        val util = CmdUtil<CmdEcho<*>>()
        return as CmdEcho<X>

class CmdUtil<Y> {
    fun call(x: Class<out Y>): Y  {
        return x.newInstance()

class CmdEcho<X> {
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