How to run task after delay In Current Thread

How to run a code block, at current thread, after some delay time???


Maybe simply do like below

runOnNewThread { 
    // do something after delay 1000 millseconds


But if I do like below, whether it has some problems???

[ >>> click to see Source Code >>>]

 *  if no [Looper] has associated with [currentThread][Thread.currentThread], just to [prepare][Looper.prepare] and call [Looper.loop],
 *  in this case, it will call [HandlerThread.quitSafely] or [HandlerThread.quit] after [block] invoke;
 *  and then send message to the [Handler] associated with [currentThread][Thread.currentThread].[looper][Looper.myLooper] to run the [block] after [delay] milliseconds
postOnCurrentThread(1000) { 
    // do something in current thread after 1000 milliseconds

// same with below

if (isMainThread()) {
        // do something in current thread after 1000 milliseconds
} else {
    var needQuitLooper = false
    val looper: Looper? = Looper.myLooper().ifNull {
        needQuitLooper = true

    postOnUiThread {
        Handler(looper).postDelayed(1000) {
            try {
                // do something in current thread after 1000 milliseconds
            } finally {
                if (needQuitLooper) {
                    fromSdk(18) {
                    } other {



You should look into using coroutines.