How to specify return type for callback function and forget about it


var onclose:(()->Unit)? = null

My function:

sockJs.onclose = {
  if (connecting) {
  reconnectTimeoutId = setTimeout({
                                          sockJs = SockJS(uri)
                                   }, 500)
  else if (closed != null) {

All is ok.

Add new else clause:

sockJs.onclose = {
  if (connecting) {
  reconnectTimeoutId = setTimeout({
                                          sockJs = SockJS(uri)
                                   }, 500)
  else if (closed != null) {
  else {
  try {
  catch (e:Exception) {

Error: /uploads/kotlinlang/original/1X/e550845cfbd09e753dc0818d35409bc0021afbcb.png

How I can specify “void” (like java or acrionscript) and forget about callback return type?

You can say

{ () : Unit -> …


at the beginning of the function literal.

But this seems like a bug in type-checking try. Could you report it to the tracker? Thanks