How to suppress warnings when i use java's class

Hi ! I’m new here.

I’am using JPA in KOTLIN. In code below I have to use java.lang.Long

        @Suppress("I HATE THIS WARNING!!!")
        val count: Long = entityManager.createQuery(qlForCount,
                .setParameter("x", x)
                .setParameter("y", y)
                .setParameter("xd", xd)
                .setParameter("yd", yd)

I’d love to suppress the warning, but i do NOT kown correct name of @Suppress what i shoud use.

Is some doc can help ?

Thank you.

I found it by IDEA.

jetbrains’s doc here.

        val count: kotlin.Long = entityManager.createQuery(qlForCount,
                .setParameter("x", x)
                .setParameter("y", y)
                .setParameter("xd", xd)
                .setParameter("yd", yd)

You can use Long::class.javaObjectType instead of, then you get no warnings.

Thank you very much. Sir