I want to write an `isInstanceOf`` method like the one included in AssertJ. In Java it would look like this:
public class Test {
public static void main(String ...args) {
System.out.println(isInstanceOf(new A(), B.class));
// this method in Kotlin?
public static <T> boolean isInstanceOf(Object object, Class<T> expectedClass) {
return expectedClass.isInstance(object);
static class A {}
static class B extends A {}
I think the literal translation would be something like this, in case you want to make it an extension function:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun <T> Any.isInstanceOf(expectedClass: Class<T>) = expectedClass.isInstance(this)
open class A {}
class B : A() {}
Although most likely you could improve some things, for example you don’t really care about the type, so you could remove T in favour of *.
fun Any.isInstanceOf(expectedClass: Class<*>) = expectedClass.isInstance(this)