HTTP client for KotlinJS

Is there any http client for kotlin which can be used for kotlinjs projects?


To make HTTP requests You can use builtin APIs, like XMLHttpRequest API or Fetch API.
Also, you can use any js libraries for that. You can find more information about how to do it here:

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Ok, thanks
Ideal solution would be something that can also compile to JVM, but I guess, not yet.

@barteks95, probably GitHub - kittinunf/fuel: The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android will be the thing that you looked for –

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Do you know how to interact with the fetch api externals you metioned?
In javascript you would just call the ‘fetch()’ method, which i don’t see in the documentation you provided.

try window.fetch()

also see this Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc

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