I'm looking a way to simplify code when using annotations as a DSL

We are designing a new REST API and using swagger annotations to document our Spring controller methods. I discovered that many “constructions” are boilerplate and repeatedly appear.

        summary = "...",
        description = "...",
        responses = [
                responseCode = "200",
                description = "Ok",
                responseCode = "204",
                description = "No contet",
                content = [Content(schema = Schema(implementation = Void::class))]
                responseCode = "201",
                headers = [
                        name = "Location",
                        description = "The location of the created resource",
                        schema = Schema(implementation = Void::class)
                description = "...",

I want to extract some “standard construction” and reuse them.
I can not create “const val” from annotation because it is not a primitive type. Inline functions are not acceptable as well.

Any propositions?

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The way I’ve got around that issue in my Dropwizard project is just to define my own annotations and annotate them with the Swagger annotations.

    responseCode = "403",
    description = "You are not allowed to perform the requested action.",
    content = [
            mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
            schema = Schema(implementation = ErrorResponse::class)
@Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION)
annotation class Forbidden

    responseCode = "500",
    description = "Something went wrong when processing the request.",
    content = [
            mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
            schema = Schema(implementation = ErrorResponse::class)
@Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION)
annotation class ServerErrorResponse

class MyRestResource {
    fun myResource() {}
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Thank you
It could help