Implicit Parameters like Scalas

Have you ever considered implicit parameters like Scala has? I saw a tweet today that summed up my feelings exactly: “Implicits are more explicit than annotations and reflection.

At first I really thought they were dangerous (because of hidden dependencies), but as I’ve worked with them more and more, they don’t seem to be. And I agree with the tweet, they feel better to me than the Spring way of DI.

Anyway, I was just curious if they had ever been discussed before, and what the feelings were about them.

Edit: I should mention I’m only talking about parameters here, not implicit conversions.

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Explicit parameters don’t seem dangerous but hard to understand.

The reader must well know all method signatures to recognize involved parameters.

The software reading is harder than writing.

this would be better than the current context receiver approach

// this code can't be expressed using context receivers as they only consider types instead of names+types
fun maxLength(implicit a:String,implicit b:String)=max(a.length,b.length)
val a:String=""
val b:String=""

then context receivers can be thought as a specialized form and deprecated

// context(String)fun getLength1()=length
// fun String.getLength2()=length
fun getLength3(implicit this:String)=length

this makes code more clear and less verbose, less error prone

context(A,B,C)xxx()=length // whose length?
// can be written as
fun yyy(implicit a:A,implicit b:B,implicit c:C)=a.length // self explanatory
val a=...
val b=...
val c=...