Intercepting suspend functions using a Java dynamic proxy

The following code uses the function [sProxy] to intercept suspend functions.
It prints:

add[1, 2] called

typealias SInvocation = suspend () -> Any?
typealias SInterceptor =
    suspend (method: Method, args: List<Any?>, invocation: SInvocation) -> Any?

interface Calculator {
    suspend fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int

class CalculatorImpl : Calculator {
    override suspend fun add(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b

val Printer: SInterceptor = { method, args, invocation ->
    println("${}$args called")

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val calculator = sProxy(, CalculatorImpl(), Printer)
    println(calculator.add(1, 2))

The following code shows the working implementation of the function [sProxy]:

interface SFunction {
    suspend fun invoke(): Any?

val SRemover: Method =[0]

typealias SInvoker = suspend (method: Method, args: List<Any?>) -> Any?

fun Method.sInvoke(
    args: List<Any?>, continuation: Continuation<*>, invoker: SInvoker
): Any? = SRemover.invoke(object : SFunction {
    override suspend fun invoke(): Any? = invoker(this@sInvoke, args)
}, continuation)

suspend fun Method.sInvoke(implementation: Any, args: List<Any?>): Any? =
    suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { continuation ->
        sInvoke(args, continuation) { _, _ ->
            invoke(implementation, *args.toTypedArray(), continuation)

/** Creates a proxy for [sContract] that intercepts calls to [implementation]. */

fun <C : Any> sProxy(
    sContract: Class<C>, implementation: C, interceptor: SInterceptor
): C = Proxy.newProxyInstance(
    sContract.classLoader, arrayOf(sContract)
) { _, method, args ->
        args.take(args.size - 1), args.last() as Continuation<*>
    ) { _, params ->
        interceptor(method, params) { method.sInvoke(implementation, params) }
} as C

So now the questions are:

  • Is this a good/problematic solution?
  • Is there a better solution?

Feedback would be highly appreciated,
maybe even from a member of the Kotlin core team?

You can find the full code at

I use it in my service framework for implementing non-blocking calls with Ktor.