Is class value properties interoperable with Java?

I assumed that:

    data class Order(val state: String) {
        fun isComplete() = (state == "Fulfilled")

is the same as:

    data class Order(val state: String) {
        val isComplete = (state == "Fulfilled")

or at least:

    data class Order(val state: String) {
        val isComplete: Boolean

        init {
            isComplete = (state == "Fulfilled")   

but they aren’t if it comes to interoperability with Java. Then only the first version works. Rest of them returns null
I thought that I’m doing something wrong but I used also the “java to kotlin” tool to check if this is me misunderstanding something. I checked that against Kotlin version 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 within the android project

Could you provide an example of code where null is returned when you think it shouldn’t be?

public void onRequestSuccess(Order responseOrder) {
    if (responseOrder.isComplete()) {

Hah maybe this is caused by the creation of Order object by the GSON library. That’s how these object get instatiated.

return Gson().fromJson(order.mergeLinks(links),

Gson doesn’t run property initializers. A way to convert your original code to use a property while preserving semantics is the following:

data class Order(val state: String) {
    val isComplete get() = (state == "Fulfilled")

Thank you @yole