I need something like Python dict comprehensions:
id_to_name = {p.id: p.name for p in persons}
which is equivalent to:
id_to_name = dict((p.id, p.name) for p in persons)
In Kotlin I have to do it this way:
idToName = persons.map { it.id to it.name }.toMap()
where toMap is:
fun <K, V> Iterable<Pair<K, V>>.toMap(): Map<K, V> {
val result = HashMap<K, V>()
for (x in this) {
val (k, v) = x
result.put(k, v)
return result
What's the best way of creating a map in Kotlin for this task? Is there something like toMap in stdlib?
The only "oneliner" I've found is:
persons.fold(HashMap<Int, String>(), { map, person -> map.put(person.id, person.name); map })
Not so pretty as python's version...
Looks like it's a good thing to add to our standard library. A pull request would be welcome
Did anything happen on this? i.e. list, set and “dictionary” comprehensions.
No, there is no comprehensions available, but toMap and associateBy extension functions are at your disposal.
Whilst I knew of groupBy I wasn’t aware of associateBy, I shall investigate.