Java debugger doesn't like "Kotlin line breakpoints"

All of the sudden I can’t debug my app, because Android Studio complains:

$ adb shell am start -n “pl.qus.xenoamp/pl.qus.xenoamp.NewMainActivity” -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -D
The currently selected Java debugger doesn’t support breakpoints of type ‘Kotlin Line Breakpoints’. As a result, these breakpoints will not be hit.
The debugger selection can be modified in the run configuration dialog.

Any idea how to fix it?

Please can give an information how to reproduce it? What version of Android Studio, Kotlin compiler, is it specific to particular place in code, etc.? You can file an issue about it to our tracker.

No more, sorry. I’ve reinstated everything and the error is gone


Hi, I’ve just experienced the same thing and was bummed when I came here with no answer provided.

I’m using Android Studio v2.3.1 and Kotlin v1.1.1

The currently selected Java debugger doesn't support breakpoints of type 'Kotlin Line Breakpoints'. As a result, these breakpoints will not be hit.

Turns out I wasn’t really calling my code… So nothing actually happened at all.
BUT, I still saw that line in my debugger window, so it would be cool to actually get an answer to it.