javaClass and IntelliJ

I’m starting now to lear Kotlin and was trying to get my environment set up with IntelliJ ultimate, with some bolierplate code for logging.

package X

import java.util.logging.Logger
import kotlin.jvm.javaClass

class Route(id:String) {
    val logger = Logger.getLogger(javaClass<String>())
    init {"Customer initialized with value $id")

when I use the code above, the IDE highlights javaClass as missing it and gives the hint to add the import of kotlin.jvm.javaClass that I do but still without much success.

I am using the project with Maven, Java 8, Intellij 2017.1 and include


as per documentation. (without the javaClass, I can compile and run program ok)
Still the popup suggesting to import kotlin.jvm.javaClass still pops um and once I click it is dismissed but continuing with the error.

Any idea what is not correct ?

This code uses javaClass function, which was deprecated and removed long time ago (before 1.0).
You can use instead.

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Thanks. Guess I could report that there is some glitch on the UI IDE as it proposes to add it and fails silently to do it.