Jetbrains annotations 13.0 source download

jetbrains annotations 13.0 is a dependency of kotlin I want to get the source for our (Oracle Corporation) internally built repo.

-There is source on mvnrepository - Might not be clean enough (ie download from github/vendor) it does not have a LICENSE.txt I checked one of the source files it has an apache2 copyright header:

-There is an old internal to Oracle mirror.

Thank you for your time,
Turloch O’Tierney

Judging by GitHub - JetBrains/java-annotations: Annotations for JVM-based languages. it has an Apache license. Can you just use

Hi Alexey,

I will seek guidance from Management/Product Management/Legal about using jar from .

So far I have been able to download and recompile open source dependencies - I would need to clear any change with Management/Product Management Legal. There is always the hope that one more google will find source with clearer License details (the java files have license details at the top).

I am a Java Developer - so I could rebuild from source jar (using java 6) + pom then if it works: seek approval from Management/Legal .

Thank you for your time,

(FYI The rest of this email is earlier drafts - which contains little additional information)

My current task is to download/recompile 3rd party open source dependencies, for future use of Kotlin. I will need to report back any difficulty to Management/Product Management.

The jar is listed internally, there might be precedent for not compiling from source.

I am trying to download/recompile 3rd party open source dependencies, for future use of Kotlin[1].
I work at [2]

Maven central is reset so we manage third party libraries. I have been looking for annotations 13 since Thursday. I will need to summarize my findings up the management/product management chain soon enough.[3]

I had already seen:

Which includes pom file and source. (I could rebuild from source jar + pom then if it works: seek approval from Management/Legal) .

I did see the jar internally (compiled 2013)

I was looking for a clean/obvious from vendor/from vendor’s github download.

Tags · JetBrains/java-annotations · GitHub goes back to 16.1

[1] (Approval goes first to My manager/Product Manager, then to Legal).
[2] Never sure how much to say about my role:
FYI:I work as Java Developer/Senior Member of Technical Staff (i.e. not very senior) at Oracle on Database Tools(free to download but not open source tools) (I can give you more detail about current role/released products I work on, kotlin is not in current released products I work on).

Hi Alexey,

I can build from source. ( I have not tried the resulting jar in a product).



I am a Java Developer - so I could rebuild from source jar (using java 6) + pom then if it works: seek
approval from Management/Legal .

I can build from source + pom file using java 1.8 (with source set to 1.5 (latest maven does not run with java6))) with the following minor changes in the pom.xml:
Path change to source, and skip gpg plugin which I do not have at the moment.

2 of the 16 class files showed diffs (surprised it was so low as different compiler). I have not tried it in any product.

Apache license banner is in each java file and in the pom.xml file.
TOTIERNE-mac:testbuild totierne java8$ diff pom.xml …/annotations-13.0.pom
(path changed and gpg removed)