Hello, currently, I am trying out different stuff on Kotlin multiplatform Compose.
I have to UI completely written in Compose and compile the app against Android and iOS
Right now I want to implement an “Add to calendar” functionality.
Normally, I would do that in Swift like this, where I present the EKEventEditViewController as a Modal View.
var store = EKEventStore()
var event = EKEvent(eventStore: store)
event.title = "Title"
event.startDate = startDate
event.endDate = currentEvent?.endDate
let eventViewController: EKEventEditViewController = EKEventEditViewController()
eventViewController.event = event
eventViewController.eventStore = store
eventViewController.editViewDelegate = self
present(eventViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
But unfortunately, I have no idea how to do that in Kotlin Multiplatform where my UI is completely written in Kotlin Multiplatform Compose.