Kolley is a kotlin RESTful http request framework which combine Volley with OkHttp

I push a kotlin library Kolley to github which is a RESTful http request framework which combine Volley with OkHttp. People can start HTTP request just like config it.

Http.get {

    url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather"

    tag = this@MainActivity

    params {
        "q" - "shanghai"
        "appid" - "d7a98cf22xxxxxxxdfe5abbc77"

    onStart { log("on start") }

    onSuccess { bytes ->
        log("on success ${bytes.toString(Charset.defaultCharset())}")

    onFail { error ->
        log("on fail ${error.toString()}")

    onFinish { log( "on finish") }


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