Kotlin: Accidental override: The following declarations have the same JVM signature

Sorry folks, but i don't understand what i'm doing wrong and how i can fix it?

class ApplicationServlet : HttpServlet() {
  fun doGet(request : HttpServletRequest, response : HttpServletResponse) : Unit { //Error here


Sorry for my English and how about to create russian speakers community for Kotlin!?

You need to specify 'override' keyword and as all java values could be nullable you also shoud change signatures to:

class ApplicationServlet : HttpServlet() {   
  override fun doGet(request : HttpServletRequest?, response : HttpServletResponse?) : Unit {


For a Russian community, you can try to start topic on http://rsdn.ru I believe you will get a lot of feedback of all sorts :) If you do, send us link to discussion, please.