Kotlin Annotation - Kotlin: Type mismatch: inferred type is java.lang.Class<foo> but java.lang.Class<out jet.Annotation> was expected


given follwing kotlin Annotation:

public Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) annotation class foo(val text : String)

and following code to check if a class is annotated by above annotation:


  if (javaClass<Bar>().isAnnotationPresent(javaClass<foo>())) {
           // do something here.

if the annotation class (foo) and the code which is using it were located in the same module (maven artifact), the code can compile and run without any issue,

but if I separate them into different modules (maven artifact), then following compile error happens:

Kotlin: Type mismatch: inferred type is java.lang.Class<foo> but java.lang.Class<out jet.Annotation> was expected

Any Idea what could be the issue ?

I've had issues with using annotations across modules before:


I’m guessing this is related. I would file another bug report.

It's a bug, please report it to our issue tracker.
