I have an example where recently we needed to subclass akka.persistence.AbstractPersistentActorWithAtLeastOnceDelivery
This abstract class has a few things going on, of which also includes scala traits. I get the following error when trying to compile a kotlin class that inherits from it.
class OurPersistentActor : AbstractPersistentActorWithAtLeastOnceDelivery()
The compile error is…
Error:(53, 1) Kotlin: Class ‘OurPersistentActor’ must be declared abstract or implement abstract base class member public abstract fun akka$persistence$AtLeastOnceDeliveryLike$$unconfirmed_$eq(p0: SortedMap<Any!, Delivery!>!): Unit defined in akka.persistence.AbstractPersistentActorWithAtLeastOnceDelivery
Using this base class from Java compiles fine though.
class OurPersistentActor : AbstractPersistentActorWithAtLeastOnceDelivery() {
override fun receiveCommand(): PartialFunction<Any, BoxedUnit> {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
override fun receiveRecover(): PartialFunction<Any, BoxedUnit> {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
Sorry should have been more specific. I’ve tried both Kotlin 1.1.1 as well as 1.1.2 with no differences. The version of akka that we are using is 2.5.1.
akka_version = ‘2.5.1’
compile “com.typesafe.akka:akka-actor_2.12:$akka_version”
compile “com.typesafe.akka:akka-cluster-tools_2.12:$akka_version”
compile “com.typesafe.akka:akka-cluster-sharding_2.12:$akka_version”
compile “com.typesafe.akka:akka-persistence_2.12:$akka_version”
compile “com.typesafe.akka:akka-persistence-query_2.12:$akka_version”