Kotlin compiler not reporting errors in Android Studio

Since upgrading to 1.1.2-2 in Android Studio, I’m not getting complete compiler errors anymore. All I get is an error message saying that “Execution failed for task ‘::compileDebugKotlin.’ > Compilation error. See log for more details.” But the log doesn’t have any more details. I’ve verified that this doesn’t occur in a Java only project. I’m seeing this on two computers, one Mac, one Windows. I’ve tried the same project on the preview version of Android Studio 2.4. My Travis CI build correctly determines the location of the failure. I’ve tried other branches running older versions of Kotlin, but the plugin was still the latest version.


This is a known issue, and we’re working on a fix. Please watch https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-17596 for updates.