Hello, I’m trying to develop a compose multiplatform project targeting Android and Web.
I am not a web developer so I am discovering the environnement and meet some issues
Issue 1 :
I am using “Decompose” for the navigation. I have issues with the browser navigation. I cannot open a page from the url. Launching the project from the ide, no issue. It open localhost:8080/, redirect to /articles and from there I can navigate to /articles/{articles}, but if I refresh a page like /articles, I have a 404 error (cannot find GET /articles)
I added a devServerConfig.js in the folder “wasmJsMain/webpack.config.d” but it doesn’t work. The file doesn’t seem to be used by webpack. Even changing the port in this file is not applied. Maybe this method is not available anymore ?
config.devServer = {
historyApiFallback: true,
port = 9000
// ... other devServer configurations ...
Issue 2 :
How can I add a secured key that can be used by the wasm project ? For Android I use “local.properties”, but I don’t find a way to use it in the web part…
Thank you for any information.
Gemini know only the “devServerConfig.js” way too so I am stuck for days now on this…