Kotlin mutliplatform Wasm : configuration

Hello, I’m trying to develop a compose multiplatform project targeting Android and Web.
I am not a web developer so I am discovering the environnement and meet some issues

Issue 1 :

I am using “Decompose” for the navigation. I have issues with the browser navigation. I cannot open a page from the url. Launching the project from the ide, no issue. It open localhost:8080/, redirect to /articles and from there I can navigate to /articles/{articles}, but if I refresh a page like /articles, I have a 404 error (cannot find GET /articles)

I added a devServerConfig.js in the folder “wasmJsMain/webpack.config.d” but it doesn’t work. The file doesn’t seem to be used by webpack. Even changing the port in this file is not applied. Maybe this method is not available anymore ?

config.devServer = {
    historyApiFallback: true,
    port = 9000
    // ... other devServer configurations ...

Issue 2 :

How can I add a secured key that can be used by the wasm project ? For Android I use “local.properties”, but I don’t find a way to use it in the web part…

Thank you for any information.
Gemini know only the “devServerConfig.js” way too so I am stuck for days now on this…

The webpack.config.d folder should be put in your project’s root directory, not in the wasmJsMain subdirectory.

Thank you for the answer.
Unfortunately it didn’t work

I tried to move the folder at the root, in composeApp subdirectory and in wasmJsMain (one at the same time, not in every folders at once)

I don’t get what is wrong, I created the project through Kmp wizard