Didn’t find base64 code that didn’t require importing java.this-or-that, so I tinkered a lil …
private const val BASE64_SET = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
private val RX_BASE64_CLEANR = "[^="+BASE64_SET+"]".toRegex()
* Base64 encode a string.
val String.base64encoded: String get() {
val pad = when (this.length % 3) {
1 -> "=="
2 -> "="
else -> ""
var raw = this
(1 .. pad.length).forEach { raw += 0.toChar() }
return StringBuilder().apply {
(0 until raw.length step 3).forEach {
val n: Int = (0xFF.and(raw[ it ].toInt()) shl 16) +
(0xFF.and(raw[it+1].toInt()) shl 8) +
listOf<Int>( (n shr 18) and 0x3F,
(n shr 12) and 0x3F,
(n shr 6) and 0x3F,
n and 0x3F).forEach { append(BASE64_SET[it]) }
} .dropLast(pad.length)
.toString() + pad
* Decode a Base64 string.
val String.base64decoded: String get() {
if (this.length % 4 != 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("The string \"${this}\" does not comply with BASE64 length requirement.")
val clean = this.replace(RX_BASE64_CLEANR, "").replace("=", "A")
val padLen = this.filter {it == '='}.length
return StringBuilder().apply {
(0 until clean.length step 4).forEach {
val n: Int = (BASE64_SET.indexOf(clean[ it ]) shl 18) +
(BASE64_SET.indexOf(clean[it+1]) shl 12) +
(BASE64_SET.indexOf(clean[it+2]) shl 6) +
listOf<Int>( 0xFF.and(n shr 16),
0xFF.and(n shr 8),
0xFF.and( n )).forEach { append(it.toChar()) }
} .dropLast(padLen)
Any suggestions how to improve that blob of code… (aside the fact that it’s strictly for strings at the moment)?