I have several criticisms of Kotlin. Here’s a random sample.
Array handling is inferior to Java in several ways. One is a performance concern - in Kotlin/JVM, a method call needs to be made to access or mutate an element, not so in Java. The lack of static fields and methods is a giant mistake. The requirement for “var” vs “val” is a huge annoyance. Having multiple syntaxes for specifying lambdas is another bad decision. “lateinit” is ugly and really doesn’t accomplish anything positive - it just fixes an issue with Optional that should not exist (see one of my comments below). In short, specifying nullability should be optional, not required. I truly dislike opinionated programming languages, which seem to be all the rage today. Kotlin and Swift are far too opinionated for my taste.
The cost of maintenance of big systems is my number one concern and in that regard Kotlin doesn’t seem to me to be any better than Java. Compile times are worse. Tooling is worse. For Kotlin to succeed, it needs to be superior to Java, not just similar.
Here are 4 items that I’ve posted here. The comment threads on these posts are enlightening about the mindset of the language designers with respect to the concept of “pragmatic”.
“platform types” (the Kotlin name for the Java not doing null checking on call) should be an available to Kotlin programmers. Read the comment thread here -
One more thing - IMO, Kotlin could become a much better language if it included some sort of fixed decimal arithmetic. But that does not seem to be in the list of planned features.