Kotlinx DelayWithTimeoutDiagnostics not found?

Hi all,

I’m using “runTest” from kotlinx.coroutines.test and I’ve got this exception at runtime:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kotlinx.coroutines.DelayWithTimeoutDiagnostics

I’m using last Kotlin 1.8.2 and last Kotlinx Coroutines 1.7.2.
In the packagekotlinx-coroutines-test, , I’m not able to find such a class:

And going to https://kotlinlang.org/api/kotlinx.coroutines/kotlinx-coroutines-core/kotlinx.coroutines/-delay-with-timeout-diagnostics/ I get a 404…

Can you explain me, please ?

This happened to me too today. Using 1.7.1 also causes this error. I had to use a lower version, 1.6.4, so it wouldn’t happen.