Looking for Kotlin track mentors or implementors for exercism.io

Hi, I am trying to bootstrap the Kotlin track for exercism.io which is a website that provides common exercises that can be implemented in 30 different languages. We are now looking for volunteers who can either contribute additional exercise implementations or offer to provide code reviews for beginners on a periodic basis when the track launches. If you are interested in providing code review support, please add a comment on the launch checklist letting us know you are willing to do so. If you would like to provide exercise implementations, you can fork the github repository and provide new exercises as described here. I have found the simplest thing to do is to copy the java exercise using the tests but then looking to the scala example implementation for the Kotlin implementation since the two are very similar. Once the exercise is completed and follows the existing patterns, please provide a pull request and we will get it merged into the baseline.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to reach out. I would appreciate any help trying to get Kotlin out there for others to try.

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