Mockk package level lazy property

Forgive me if this is not the right channel.

I am trying to mock some lazy package level property using Mockk.


internal val isEnabled by lazy {
     Config.find("enabled") // boolean

// use isEnabled
fun featureName() {
   return if (isEnabled) {
   } else {

Then in my test i have the following:

// This would pass
fun `test enabled case`() {
    every { Config.find("enabled") } returns true
    assertEquals(true, Config.find("enabled"))
    assertEquals("feature-name", featureName())

// This would fail cause isEnabled is cached true
fun `test enabled case`() {
    every { Config.find("enabled") } returns false
    assertEquals(false, Config.find("enabled")) // This is good
    assertEquals("nothing", featureName()) // but not here

Things I’ve tried (but doesn’t help):

  1. Separating the above two tests methods into two test classes.
  2. Using TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_METHOD attribute for the test class.

Can anyone shine some lights on how should I approach this? Is there a way to clear the previously inited lazy val? (which i don’t think it’s possible because it’s val).
