Multiline arithmetic operation assignment

I tried the following:

            val remainingSeconds = endDate.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC)
                - dateTime.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC)
                + randomInt(3600, 72000) // 1 to 20 hours

and ended up with remainingSeconds having the wrong value (only the first line)

I think I get the why, there’s no delimiters so line break equals java’s ; the other lines are considered to be just plain statements

            val remainingSeconds = endDate.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC);
                - dateTime.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC);
                + randomInt(3600, 72000); // 1 to 20 hours

So, search fails me, what options do I have to write this correctly?, well, besides putting it all in one line, and using parentheses

Just put operators at the end of a line, not the beginning. It won’t look exactly as you like though.

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Another way you can do it is by using parentheses:

        val remainingSeconds = (endDate.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC)
            - dateTime.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC)
            + randomInt(3600, 72000) // 1 to 20 hours

(Some linters may be very picky about the indentation when you do this.)


I’m not sure which API you are sticking to, but here it is how you can write this:

// java.time
val remainingSeconds = Duration.between(dateTime, endDate)

// kotlinx.datetime
val remainingTime = endDate.toInstant(TimeZone.UTC) -
	dateTime.toInstant(TimeZone.UTC) +
val remainingSeconds = remainingTime.inWholeSeconds

Seems a little clucky to me when you try to use normal operators across multiple lines.

FWIW I tried doing OP’s code in IntelliJ, and it gave me a warning that the second line is an “Unused Unary operator”. I actually didn’t think it would compile; I didn’t know Kotlin had unary operators. So I learned something new today!

Most languages have a unary minus, at least — else you couldn’t refer to e.g. -x. The boolean negation (‘not’) operator (! in Kotlin) is also unary, as are the pre-/post-increment and -decrement operators ++ and --, and the unary +.

(However, the unary + and - are the only ones which are also binary operators, so the only ones you need to take care of when line-wrapping.)