I am trying to configure the build.gradle.kts
for a simple Kotlin Multiplatform library with no dependencies that has only common code but the kotlin gradle plugin reports "Please initialize at least one Kotlin target in ..."
This is the build.gradle.kts
plugins {
kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.9.22"
kotlin {
sourceSets {
commonTest {
dependencies {
Can you help me? Do you see any issue here or might the issue actually be in another file?
> Configure project :
e: Please initialize at least one Kotlin target in 'mylibrary (:)'.
Read more https://kotl.in/set-up-targets
w: The following Kotlin source sets were configured but not added to any Kotlin compilation:
* commonMain
* commonTest
You can add a source set to a target's compilation by connecting it with the compilation's default source set using 'dependsOn'.
See https://kotl.in/connecting-source-sets