NPE with delegate

I have a data-class with an enum property. I also wrote a delegate which gives me that property as a string.

data class POJO (val id: Int, val status: Status) {
    val statusStr by enumValue { status }

    enum class Status {

fun <T : Enum<T>> enumValue(propFn: () -> T): ReadOnlyProperty<Any, String> =
    object : ReadOnlyProperty<Any, String> {
        override fun getValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>)
            = propFn().name

First this works as intended, but when I deserialize the class from JSON I get an NPE when accessing the property:

  java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'java.lang.Object, kotlin.reflect.KProperty)' on a null object reference 

I figured it was because I’m actually the constructor value in the lambda. I have also tried:

data class POJO (val id: Int, val status: Status) {
    val statusStr by enumValue { this@Reklamation.status }

fun <T : Enum<T>> enumValue(propFn: Any.() -> T): ReadOnlyProperty<Any, String> =
    object : ReadOnlyProperty<Any, String> {
        override fun getValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>)
            = thisRef.propFn().name

I know there are other ways to solve this, but I don’t understand why it doesn’t work.

The exception happens because the delegate field storing the instance of the object implementing ReadOnlyProperty is null. How exactly do you deserialize your POJO?

With Gson. But I think I know where the problem comes from. Gson uses Unsafe if it doesn’t find a default-constructor: gson/ at master · google/gson · GitHub

Yes, if Gson creates an object in that way, the delegate for the property will not be initialized. You can try Jackson with jackson-kotlin-module instead.

If i have more problems with GSON I’ll switch, but for now I’m just adding a default-constructor.

For the record: there’s an issue about this in GSON: GsonBuilder.disableUnsafe · Issue #445 · google/gson · GitHub