Null-Checks and javax.inject.Inject

Given the following extract from a ejb singleton bean:

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct as postConstruct import javax.inject.Inject as inject import javax.ejb.Singleton as singleton import javax.ejb.Startup as startup

singleton startup

class ExampleBean {   inject var log: Logger? = null

  public fun doIt() {
  log!!.info(“a log string”)

  //... }

Although I know that the injected log will practically never be null, I still have to declare it as a var and as nullable. As a result I have to safeguard every single access. Is there a pattern to make this a bit more elegant? I was trying to use Constructor injection instead but no luck:

WELD-000816 Cannot determine constructor to use for public final@Singleton @JetClass @Startup class …ExampleBean

The part about constructor injection with EJB session beans is now clearer: The EJB 3.1 spec, section 4.9.2 states

The class must have a public constructor that takes no parameters.

Using Kotlin, this means having either a constructor taking no parameters or having a constructor with all parameters defaulted. Either way, that does not free us from the unnecessary !! checks.

Next I was trying to get rid of the null checks using a CDI Bean. Goal: have a constructor which frees us from null checks like

inject class ExampleBean(val log: Logger) {

I could not get this to work. When using constructor injection, I had to default all parameters to make it pass the cdi checks. Finally, cdi chose the default constructor and nothing was injected.

This thread was helpful

Currently there's no workaround for this problem better than having an extra property:


inject var _p: Foo? = null
var p: Foo
  get() = _p!!
  set(v) { _p = v }

We are working on a better alternative.

do you have an issue for that? I would create one otherwise.

I think there is one

Do you have some new sollution for this problem?

Yes, we now have late-initialized properties. It’s possible to declare one with the lateinit modifier:

lateinit var p: Foo
    @Inject set

Thank you for answer. Works great!

If you are starting a new project in Kotlin and not carrying over existing use of Dagger, I would recommend looking at Kodein which is DI written specifically for Kotlin: GitHub - SalomonBrys/Kodein