Postponing defining val to init now gives warning (and in the future error). This seem to hamper clean code

The following code now gives the warning “Property must be initialized, be final, or be abstract. This warning will become an error in future releases”.

I really don’t think the proposed solutions give better code. How does the Kotlin developers envision this ideally should be done when I need to run initialize() before I can set id and textEntry?

class FooBar(
    idElements: List<Int>,
    defaultTextEntry: String? = null
) : IFooBar {
    override val id: DotIntID
    override val textEntry: DpTextEntry?

    init {
        val (id, textEntry) = initialize(idElements, defaultTextEntry) = id
        this.textEntry = textEntry

I can’t seem to recreate the error? Here’s what I tried (playground):

interface IFooBar {
    val id: DotIntID
    val textEntry: DpTextEntry?

class DotIntID
class DpTextEntry

class FooBar(
    idElements: List<Int>,
    defaultTextEntry: String? = null
) : IFooBar {
    override val id: DotIntID
    override val textEntry: DpTextEntry?

    init {
        val (id, textEntry) = initialize(idElements, defaultTextEntry) = id
        this.textEntry = textEntry

fun FooBar.initialize(idElements: List<Int>, defaultTextEntry: String?): Pair<DotIntID, DpTextEntry?> = TODO()

With IntelliJ IDEA 2023.2.3 where I put it into a huge code base:

We have a very similar case.

Is this the same as ?
If so, it looks like it’ll be fixed in 1.9.30.