Promise coroutines: await doesn't actualy wait

Hi all,

I’ve just applied the async/await implementation from Using coroutines to avoid callback hell when using XMLHttpRequest to my toy project, in #12 Refactored to use continuations, but ... · HughG/partial-order@2e4e2d4 · GitHub.

It looks much nicer than before, but the calls to Promise<T>.await don’t seem to actually wait; that is, they don’t prevent the rest of an async block from executing immediately.

This is all using

  • IntelliJ 2017.1.2
  • Kotlin 1.1.2_2 (compiler and plugin)
  • pouchdb 5.3.1
  • CouchDB 1.6.1
  • jquery 3.2.1 with Kotlin API from ts2tk
  • Firefox Developer Edition 54.0a2 64-bit
  • Windows 10

With the refactoring in that commit, the (browser console) output of my example is like this:

Object {  }  kotlin-test-app.js:129:13
Loading graph ...  kotlin-test-app.js:311:13
Nodes by rank ...  kotlin-test-app.js:222:5
TypeError: graph.ranks is undefined: listByRank@file:///C:/Users/hughg/Documents/dev/partial-order/web/js/app/kotlin-test-app.js:223:9
Using //@ to indicate sourceMappingURL pragmas is deprecated. Use //# instead[Learn More]  kotlin-test-app.js:1699
Object {  }  kotlin-test-app.js:129:13
http://localhost:5984/ranking/ [HTTP/1.1 404 Object Not Found 0ms]
The above 404 is totally normal. PouchDB is just detecting if the remote exists.

However, at the previous commit, it looks more like this:

Using //@ to indicate sourceMappingURL pragmas is deprecated. Use //# instead[Learn More]  kotlin-test-app.js:1202
http://localhost:5984/ranking/ [HTTP/1.1 404 Object Not Found 2ms]
The above 404 is totally normal. PouchDB is just detecting if the remote exists.  pouchdb-5.3.1.js:5800:5
Object { db_name: "ranking", doc_count: 0, doc_del_count: 0, update_seq: 0, purge_seq: 0, compact_running: false, disk_size: 79, data_size: 0, instance_start_time: "1494695881360340", disk_format_version: 6, 4 more… }  kotlin-test-app.js:43:7
Bulk store inputs:  kotlin-test-app.js:920:7
Object { _id: "N_github:partial-order/HughG/14", type: "N", description: "Gradle task for ts2kt" }  kotlin-test-app.js:924:9
Object { _id: "N_github:partial-order/HughG/13", type: "N", description: "Integrate NodeJS packages into Grad…" }  kotlin-test-app.js:924:9
Bulk store results:  kotlin-test-app.js:936:7
Object { ok: true, id: "N_github:partial-order/HughG/14", rev: "1-dcfc41c1ca0f9be813c95c3982cc27c8" }  kotlin-test-app.js:940:9
Object { ok: true, id: "N_github:partial-order/HughG/13", rev: "1-e85cb281e1f5cc08ee612099926c0a37" }  kotlin-test-app.js:940:9
Loading graph ...  kotlin-test-app.js:178:5
Nodes:  kotlin-test-app.js:123:7
Object { total_rows: 13, offset: 0, rows: Array[13] }  kotlin-test-app.js:124:7
Node N_github:partial-order/HughG/10: Investigate Yested for UI  kotlin-test-app.js:136:11
Node N_github:partial-order/HughG/11: Support pagination when fetching from GitHub  kotlin-test-app.js:136:11
Edges:  kotlin-test-app.js:155:7
Object { total_rows: 13, offset: 0, rows: Array[0] }  kotlin-test-app.js:156:7
Loading graph ... done.  kotlin-test-app.js:172:7
Nodes by rank ...  kotlin-test-app.js:80:5
Caching ranks ...  kotlin-test-app.js:525:7
0 0 'Investigate Yested for UI' <- 'null'  kotlin-test-app.js:515:7
1 0 'Support pagination when fetching from GitHub' <- 'null'  kotlin-test-app.js:515:7

In the Kotlin source, after the refactor, listByRank is failing because it’s trying to access graph.ranks when the graph hasn’t been initialised. In fact, the db hasn’t even been initialised: it outputs Object { } near the start where previously it output Object { db_name: "ranking", doc_count: 0, doc_del_count: 0, update_seq: 0, purge_seq: 0, compact_running: false, disk_size: 79, data_size: 0, instance_start_time: "1494695881360340", disk_format_version: 6, 4 more… } kotlin-test-app.js:43:7.

Any clues, from anyone willing to check out and dig through my source code? If there are no takers for that, I can try to boil it down to a small repeatable case. I did try to dig into the generated JavaScript but in the presence of coroutines it’s pretty impenetrable.

Sorry, I think nobody can help you until you provide source code that reproduces the issue. The only thing I can tell is we fixed some issues in JS corotuines recently (see KT-17446, KT-17067, KT-17281, KT-16951 and KT-16658). Please, look at these issues and try to find out if you are using some of the provided code patterns that cause errors. Another option to grab latest build of Kotlin compiler from TeamCity and compile against it and see if this solves the issue (also, you can wait until we publish 1.1.3-EAP).

Hi @Alexey.Andreev,

that’s a totally reasonable response. I was info-dumping after a frustrating few hours last week but, if I got a bug report, I’d be asking for an isolated repeatable case, too :wink:

So, I upgraded to IJ2017.2 EAP and Kotlin plugin, as described here: Trouble with EAP - #2 by HughG 1.1.3-eap-34-IJ2017.2-1. That didn’t make my situation any better, so I cut it down to the following test case. I freely admit that I don’t really know what I’m doing in terms of using coroutines to implement async/await, I’m just copying others’ code, as follows.

package org.tameter.ksandbox

import kotlin.browser.window
import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
import kotlin.js.Promise

// From
private object JavaScriptContext : AbstractCoroutineContextElement(ContinuationInterceptor.Key), ContinuationInterceptor {
    override fun <T> interceptContinuation(continuation: Continuation<T>) = object : Continuation<T> {
        override val context = continuation.context

        override fun resume(value: T) {
            window.setTimeout({ continuation.resume(value); }, 0)

        override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) {
            window.setTimeout({ continuation.resumeWithException(exception) }, 0)

// Also from
fun <T> immediateAsync(c: suspend () -> T) {
    c.startCoroutine(object : Continuation<T> {
        override fun resume(value: T) { }

        override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) { throw exception }

        override val context = JavaScriptContext

// From
fun <T> promiseAsync(c: suspend () -> T): Promise<T> {
    return Promise { resolve, reject ->
        c.startCoroutine(object : Continuation<T> {
            override fun resume(value: T) = resolve(value)

            override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) = reject(exception)

            override val context = EmptyCoroutineContext

// Also from
// Should work with promiseAsync; maybe doesn't make sense to use it with immediateAsync, I'm not sure.
inline suspend fun <T> Promise<T>.await() = suspendCoroutine<T> { c ->
        console.log("Resolving with $it")
    }, {
        console.log("Rejecting with $it")

suspend fun <T> promise(value: T): Promise<T> {
    return Promise.resolve(value)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    promiseAsync {
        val a = promise("aardwolf").await()

So, if I run the above code as it stands (in Firefox) I get the following console output.

1  sandbox.js:160:13
Object {  }  sandbox.js:173:13
2  sandbox.js:174:20
Resolving with aardwolf  sandbox.js:113:7

but I was hoping for


If I have main call immediateAsync I get this:

1  sandbox.js:160:13
Object {  }  sandbox.js:173:13
2  sandbox.js:174:20
Resolving with aardwolf  sandbox.js:113:7
TypeError: this$await.then is not a function[Learn More]  sandbox.js:125:7
	await$lambda/< file:///C:/Users/hughg/Documents/dev/partial-order/web/js/sandbox/sandbox.js:125:7
	suspendCoroutine$lambda/< file:///C:/Users/hughg/Documents/dev/partial-order/web/js/sandbox/lib/kotlin.js:29004:7
	sandbox</Coroutine$main$lambda.prototype.doResume file:///C:/Users/hughg/Documents/dev/partial-order/web/js/sandbox/sandbox.js:171:29
	CoroutineImpl.prototype.doResumeWrapper_0 file:///C:/Users/hughg/Documents/dev/partial-order/web/js/sandbox/lib/kotlin.js:3164:20
	CoroutineImpl.prototype.resume_11rb$ file:///C:/Users/hughg/Documents/dev/partial-order/web/js/sandbox/lib/kotlin.js:3153:5
	JavaScriptContext$interceptContinuation$ObjectLiteral$resume$lambda/< file:///C:/Users/hughg/Documents/dev/partial-order/web/js/sandbox/sandbox.js:30:7

Am I just doing something dumb here, or missing some simple step?

Thanks for your example. It needs more deep investigation. In case of a bug in the compiler, I’ll post an issue on YT with detailed explanation and workaround and publish link here.

Looks like compiler generates wrong code for inline functions that only call suspendCoroutine. I’ll post issue after some investigation. As a workaround you can remove inline modifier from the following line:

inline suspend fun <T> Promise<T>.await() =

Also, I recommend you to remove `suspend modifier from the following line:

suspend fun <T> promise(value: T): Promise<T>

@Alexey.Andreev, glad I could help you find a bug, but removing “inline” doesn’t solve the problem in my real code. So, I suppose I need to create a more realistic example. My real code is calling into PouchDB and I don’t know what it does internally, but I guess I’ll have to dig into it.