Good morning,
I’m currently developping a mobile app using Kotlin/Jetpack Compose.
The basic idea is sending data to a server and receiving data from the same server, I still need to realize that part.
Basically, I would like to receive some time series from the server.
I have several questions regarding data structures and app architecture .
- I’m wondering for example, since i’m also developping the server side and I know the data i’ll receive and send, is it possible to share the same data model in the data layer ?*
I mean in the same it will be similar to
data class TimeSeries(
val name : String,
val values : List<Pair<Float, Float>>)
From what I read it’s considered as good practice to separe domain and data layer, but here i’ll work on the same data structure. Then I think it’s fair to consider using the same model in both layers. I think that If later I need to separate the data structure I can just create a data class TimeSeriesFromApi with a different structure then making a conversion in viewModel and or with an extended function like this.
fun TimeSeriesFromApi.toTimeSeries(){
as described here : Clean Architecture: Kotlin and Compose | by Paul Allies | Medium
which will be call from the viewModel from the viewModel or a kind of a converterInterface in the domain layer.
The following question concerns YCharts library or any other library.
From github repository of YCharts
private fun SingleLineChartWithGridLines(pointsData: List<Point>) {
val steps = 5
val xAxisData = AxisData.Builder()
.steps(pointsData.size - 1)
.labelData { i -> pointsData[i].x.toInt().toString() }
val yAxisData = AxisData.Builder()
.labelData { i ->
// Add yMin to get the negative axis values to the scale
val yMin = pointsData.minOf { it.y }
val yMax = pointsData.maxOf { it.y }
val yScale = (yMax - yMin) / steps
((i * yScale) + yMin).formatToSinglePrecision()
val data = LineChartData(
linePlotData = LinePlotData(
lines = listOf(
dataPoints = pointsData,
xAxisData = xAxisData,
yAxisData = yAxisData,
gridLines = GridLines()
modifier = Modifier
lineChartData = data
In my case I give the previous data structure since I need to display the title too, then I need to convert the values to a list of data point
in the implementation, data class point in as follow
data class Point (
val x: Float,
val y : Float,
val description : String
- I suppose i can’t directly convert the data in the composable function but I suppose that i can’t do it from the viewModel ? or can i directly do it with an extended function of the model in the composable function ?*
sealed class GraphData() {
data class LineChartData(val data: com.example.myapp.model.LineChartData) : GraphData()
data class stackedBarChartData(val data : StackedBarChartData) : GraphData()
data class PieChartData(val data : com.example.myapp.model.PieChartData) : GraphData()
/**data class implementation*/
here is an example of the model i will use the idea, is for example the api call will ask for all the graph data from a local shop, then we will receive several data structure representing different kind of graphs.
I will trace one graph or another depending of the data i receive knowing that not all data/graphs will be available for each shop.
3) Is it “good practice” ? Can I call a kind of a extended function “toYchartModel” or something like that?
given the fact that YChart is a external library, the rest of my app will not change, i mean if I change this library, i will need to change the graphs displayed and data structures for this new library, I nearly feel like I need a kind of a to UiConverter especially for YChart since the rest of the app, maybe some computation will not change.
I also think isolating all the composable function related to YChart in a separate file.
*4) Do i need another data converter for YChart specific model and do I need to isolate the functions calls to YChartLibrary? *
As you can see i’m a bit lost in the architecture of the app especially related to the UI part.
Thank you for your help.
Have a nice day,