I like Kotlin and is a PL implementation enthusiast. I was trying to understand the high-level architecture of the Kotlin compiler, with an emphasis on the type checker (e.g. how is Kotlin type checking / inference implemented?), and aiming at ultimately contributing code back to it. And since ther is scarce resource about Kotlin internals, I have to resort to reading its source. Would anyone that has worked with Kotlin compiler give some pointers?
So far I’ve skimmed through the core and the frontend module. Below are my findings: Correct me if I’m wrong – I see that the compilation pipeline has roughtly 3 stages and each stage has a set of key IR types: DeclarationDescriptor / KotlinType (high level IR tree / types and metadata) → FirElement / FirBasedSymbol (intermediate level IR / types and metadata) → IrElement / IrSymbol (low level IR / types and metadata). Are these stages documented somewhere? What are the key differences between these IRs?
Each stage has its own type system (Classic for descriptor, Cone for FIR, and IrTypeSystem for IR). They deal with type equality, constraint checking, substitution/unification. Are these type systems documented somewhere?
There are a bunch of analyzers that lowers a set of IR to the next stage: LazyTopDownAnalyzer converts Psi-based KtElement (input AST) into descriptors (e.g. class defs are turned into LazyClassDescriptor). The analyzer looks straightforward – it just deals with all the top-level declarations in a specific order.
I know that this question might be too broad… I guess I just wanted to see if anyone has done this before, or if there is any pointers to understanding Kotlin internals. Thanks!
Edit: found Any docs on Kotlin internals? which talks about binding analysis (BindingTrace and BindingContext), which I guess I should take a look at.