ReenteringLazyValueComputationException with recursive-ish code

Here’s a simple class where I modify the behaviour of the output function each time it is called:

class PaintingRobot {
    val turn = { direction: Int ->
        output = this.paint

    val paint = { colour: Int ->
        output = this.turn

    var output: (Int) -> Unit = turn

IntelliJ 2019.3 says: “Type checking has run into a recursive problem.”
Running build on the project reports: “Error:Kotlin: [Internal Error] org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.ReenteringLazyValueComputationException”
I tried it in and just get a “Service temporarily available” error: Kotlin Playground: Edit, Run, Share Kotlin Code Online

I think this should work. Right?

You should specify explicitly the type of turn and paint.

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turn and paint are declared and initialized before output, which means that the 2 lambdas have not been typed at all.
Explicit the type on the first two and let the output type be inferred.

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Thanks, that did it. This works:

class PaintingRobot {
    val turn: (Int) -> Unit = { _: Int ->
        output = this.paint

    val paint: (Int) -> Unit = { _: Int ->
        output = this.turn

    var output: (Int) -> Unit = turn

To declare a lambda, you need to explicit its type. Why is needed is easily understandable if you just think about an extension lambda. The only way to tell the compile that the lambda you are creating has a particular receiver is to declare it!

Also you can just leave var output = turn