I’d like to request a regex literal feature.
val pattern2:Regex = /test-\d/i;
The main reason I feel it’s important is that without it, escaping gets unreadable quickly.
I’d like to request a regex literal feature.
val pattern2:Regex = /test-\d/i;
The main reason I feel it’s important is that without it, escaping gets unreadable quickly.
Are you aware of raw strings?
val r = Regex("""\d+""")
I never liked special strings for regex like in Perl.
Ah, thanks. For some reason I was thinking raw strings still used \ as an escape character. So the only thing you’d need to escape is the $. I think that’ll be fine.
I liked regex literals in AS3, I miss it :).
Note that escaping the $ in raw strings is done using
Compared to /\d+/
(in, e.g., Ruby) this is incredibly clunky.
usually last character in regexp and it does not need escaping in that position.
I’ve never liked /
to delimit regex because regex often contain the similar \
. But it is true Regex("""\d+""")
is clunky compard to /\d+/
. In my opinion """
looks not so good for short strings. Java’s new raw strings would look better here: Regex(`\d+`)
. Or all in one code block for better comparision:
Wait… Why are templates valid in raw strings? Aren’t they supposed to me… Y’know, raw? As in WYSIWYG?
About the $
, you only need to escape it if followed by a letter:
fun main() {
val escapedLetter = "${'$'}hello"
val notescapedBracket = "$(hello)"
val notescapedColon = "$:hello"
val notescapedComma = "$,hello"
val notescapedDash = "$-hello"
val notescapedDot = "$.hello"
val notescapedQuestionMark = "$?hello"
val notescapedQuotes = """$"hello"""
I believe that a literal syntax would make regular expressions much easier to read. Compare:
Constructor syntax | Extension syntax | Literal syntax |
Regex("""\w+=\d+""") |
"""\w+=\d+""".toRegex() |
/\w+=\d+/ |
Regex("""version=\d+""", IGNORE_CASE) |
"""\w+=\d+""".toRegex(IGNORE_CASE) |
/\w+=\d+/i |
Regex("""test$""", setOf(IGNORE_CASE, MULTILINE)) |
"""test$""".toRegex(setOf(IGNORE_CASE, MULTILINE)) |
/test$/im |
I’m so in line with what @medium said above.
It would be such a nice feature to be able to write regex literals using ` (aka backtick/grave/backquote) character. Then it would be:
val char = 'a'
val str = "bunny"
val reg = `\d+`
Related Kotlin YouTrack issue: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-1340/literal-regex-support
You can’t use backticks for regex literals because backticks are already in use for naming variables and functions when the names wouldn’t otherwise be valid identifiers:
val `^x(ab){2}` = "This is a valid variable name!"