Required Editable! found String? error

Hi there i am very very new to programming but this is the error I am getting. Here is my code…
override fun onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val savedString = savedInstanceState?.getString(TEXT_CONTENTS, “”)
editText2?.text = savedString

The final savedString expression I am getting the error “Required Editable! found String?”

I guess you are developing on android. The problem is that editText2?.text is of type Editable and not of type string so you can’t pass a string. I would take a look at Editable  |  Android Developers.
What you need to do as far as I can tell is


Addition: My answer should probably work (I think) but I am not an android developer. Eliote’s answer below shows a better way to solve this.

You can use android.widget.TextView#setText(java.lang.CharSequence) to set the text.


This is for sure the better way. I am not an android developer and just looked up the definition of Editable.

And FYI in the case of TextView you have to actually use setText method not setting it using “.text =” like you can with so many other bean properties because it has multiple overloads of setText and Kotlin decides that it is not a simple bean property.

Great work

override fun onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
  val savedString = savedInstanceState?.getString(TEXT_CONTENTS, “”)
  editText2?.text = savedString

Your are using a nullable string instead a not null string. If savedInstanceState is null, savedString will be null. So, if we add elvis operator and return a empty string, it would work.

override fun onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
  val savedString = savedInstanceState?.getString(TEXT_CONTENTS, "") ?: ""
  editText2?.text = savedString