Serialization nullables as @Optional by default?


I am just playing with kotlinx.serialization and am wondering if it is possible not to have to annotate fields as @Optional if they are nullable. For example this:

data class ItemWithOptionalValues(
    val id: Long,
    val name: String,
    val someOptionalField: String? = null,
    val anotherOptionalField: String? = null

would be nicer than this:

data class ItemWithOptionalValues(
    val id: Long,
    val name: String,
    val someOptionalField: String? = null,
    // Or even as a one liner
    @Optional val anotherOptionalField: String? = null

as the optional fields are clearly optional as they are nullable.

Is this achievable now or is it really hard to implement it in that way?


OK, thanks for that… I will follow it with interest :slight_smile: